Ristorante da Filippino Lipari Eolie
  /  Recipes   /  Black risotto with cuttlefish and calamari

Black risotto with cuttlefish and calamari

Directly from the kitchen of Filippino, this is the traditional revisited recipe of the squid ink risotto with prawns, aromas and fresh tomato.

Ingredients (5 servings)

400 g Carnaroli rice
200 g cuttlefish
200 g calamari
½ glass of oil
1 glass of dry white wine
3 bay laurel leaves
A dash of ground chilli
1 mature tomato
1 clove garlic and 1 onion minced


Clean the cuttlefish and the squids, while paying attention not to break the ink sacs.
Put oil, a dash of ground chilli, 3 bay laurel leaves, the mature tomato and the minced of garlic and onion in a pan and brown slightly. Then, pour the mixture into a mixer with the cuttlefish and the squids, salt.
Put everything in a pan, add wine and let cook for about 1 hour with moderate temperature.
Add the rice to the sauce (cooked before) and, if it sticks to the pan, add a little of fish stock.
At the end of the cooking, when the rice is al dente, remove the pan from the fire and let rest for a few minutes before serving.


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