Ristorante da Filippino Lipari Eolie
  /  Recipes   /  Cicirella smoked with balsamic vinegar

Cicirella smoked with balsamic vinegar

The cicirella is a small long and thin fish. Its smooth skin without scales and the asbence of pelvic fins allow to prepare and to eat it such as it is, without needing to clean it.

Directly from Filippino kitchen, we reveal you the recipe to cook it in one of the most appreciated versions: fried, hot and very crunchy!

Ingredients (4 servings)

durum wheat semolina
olive oil
balsamic vinegar


Put the cicirella in the durum wheat semolina and, in the meanwhile, warm the olive oil until reach a very high temperature, but by paying attention not to make it smoke. Brown the fish for a few minutes (just the time required to it a golden color) and deglaze with balsamic vinegar.
Put it in a paper towel and serve it immediately, when it is still hot and crisp.

For the food lovers, it is possible to add prawns cooked with the same preparation to give more colour and flavour to the fry-up of fish.

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