Ristorante da Filippino Lipari Eolie
  /  Recipes   /  Maccaruna i casa alla Filippino

Maccaruna i casa alla Filippino

The recommendation for an excellent cuisine is a secret to be revealed and to be shared with all food lovers.

This is the reason why Filippino continues passing on its love for the preparation of traditional dishes, by adding this personal touch which makes unique each recipe. This is a restaurant speciality with the flavours of the good Sicilian products: “Maccaruna i casa alla Filippino”.

Ingredients (4 servings)
For the pasta:

400 g durum wheat pasta
4 eggs
1 teaspoon salt
Pasta maker

For the condiment:

1 l fresh tomato sauce
100 g cream
120 g chopped fresh mozzarella cheese
50 g baked ham
1 aubergine with hard pulp (to slice and fry)
150 ml sauce
1 bunch of fresh basil
2 cloves garlic
1 teaspoon grated Parmesan cheese (parmigiano reggiano)
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
15 g pine nuts
80 g grated ricotta cheese


Chop coarsely all the ingredients, except the ricotta, and put them in a wide and deep pan, cook everything on a very low heat.
After cooking the pastas (al dente if it is possible) and draining them carefully, put them into the pan and mix them for a few minutes. Put everything into a hot flat and sprinkle with grated ricotta. Add some basil leaves and serve hot.

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