Ristorante da Filippino Lipari Eolie
  /  Recipes   /  Swordfish and capers pie

Swordfish and capers pie

A simple and surprising preparation, matching the delicacy of the swordfish with one of the typical products of the Aeolian Islands: the capers.

Discover how to realize this delicious pie!


300 g boiled swordfish without salt
1 tablespoon desalted capers of Lipari
1 tablespoon cucunci (capers flowers)
1 tablespoon sottaceti (pickled)
1 tablespoon parsley, basil and mint (chopped)
A dash of chilli
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
2 drops of angostura
2 drops of Worchester sauce
1 bunch of celery
Salt q.s.


Chop the ingredients in a food processor; mix with the mayonnaise, add salt if necessary and model in the shape of fish.
Serve on a flat plate and decorate it

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